What I’ve been up to.

Here are some highlights of my recent work.

Lottery App

React Js | Web3.js | Solidity

The lottery project includes the smart contract written in Solidity, and the lottery-react project is a React application that interacts with the smart contract.

The Lottery smart contract allows participants to enter the lottery by sending a minimum amount of Ether. The manager can pick a random winner.

Please feel free to see how it works:

My Reads


In the MyReads project, you'll create a bookshelf app that allows you to select and categorize books you have read, are currently reading, or want to read.

The project emphasizes using React to build the application and provides an API server and client library that you will use to persist information as you interact with the application.

Please feel free to see how it works:



This project is about my hiking adventures, and my stories.

On this project I have used HTML, and SCSS, I also used BEM methodology to write more clean code. The site is fully responsive.

Please feel free to see how it works:

Mini YouTube

React Js

This is a mini youtube project, to have access to youtube videos I have used API of youtube.

The focus for this project was on React Js, how to get data from API and how to use them.

Please feel free to see how it works:

Search Photos

React Js

This project is created with React, here I am using unsplash API to get photos depending on what I am searching

Please feel free to see how it works:

The Yummi Pizza

React Js, Laravel

The yummi pizza is a web application for ordering pizzas online, clients are able to order from menu which contains 8 pizzas, and a shopping cart. Clients can order single or several pizzas.
The backend I created with Laravel and it is in separated folder from front end, and the front end part I created with React and Redux.
Deployment of the application: Heroku

Please feel free to see how it works:

Take Notes

React Js, Laravel

On this project you can register and login, you can save your notes, for each note you can add multiple descriptions. You can mark it as finished, you can also mark all as finished. The backend I created with Laravel and it is in separated folder from front end, and the front end part I created with React and Redux.

Please feel free to see how it works: